29 July 2011

sporadic boredom

I wonder why at times I'll just feel bored of things. I lose all that jazz, pizzazz and razzmatazz for life. I feel lost and a bit downtrodden but I don't know what's eating me up. I lose focus of the things I need to do. Like today for instance, I have a vicariate meeting at 2pm then dance class from 3pm to 6:30pm. I know I HAVE to attend but I'm seated here in my RA room, plastered in front of my laptop and feel like I haven't done anything for my thesis whereas I've been working on it almost the whole day yesterday. It's this effin' thesis that makes my life miserable. Really. As in REALLY. It's like an anchor to my body. I can't go/accomplish/achieve anything FULLY with this anchor attached to me.


LORD GIVE ME STRENGTH!!! I need it, please!

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