Last 29 June 2023, my baby boy Henry turned 1yr10mos old! For a rat, he's already considered a senior because rats only live up to two years on average. Three years for a rat is already a stretch. Here are some of our photos together. <3
When I first got Harry and Henry, they were three months old at that time, both were scared and acclimatizing to their new environment. I would get a lot of scratches and hisses and bites (yes, finger bites that bleed) from them whenever I attempt to put my hand inside their cage. Clearly, I was wrongly handling their introduction into my home. I was a first-time rat parent so despite reading a lot of information online about rat handling, it was still different and more difficult to handle them in person.
It took them three months to trust me, and it was only then they would allow me to pet them over extended periods. But I still wasn't permitted to carry or take photos with them without being scratched or violently weaseling out of my grip. Until Harry's death, he still wouldn't allow me to handle him over extended periods, but would occasionally allow me to pick him up, stroke him for about a minute, then squirm his way out of my chokehold (I jest, of course). Nakakagigil kasi that's why I end up smooshing them.
This photoshoot with Henry is quite rare, as I don't usually have my phone near me when we play or I spend quality time with him. Plus, he was still a bit dazed from his nap here so he's still docile, haha!
I'm glad I was able to take these photos. <3 Oh Henry, my Henry! I love you so! <3 my baby rat <3
p.s. You'll be getting a playmate soon!!!
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