I thank the Pomodoro Technique for my work rhythm. It helps me accomplish tasks at an organized and orderly way. Twenty-five minutes on, five minutes off. Although sometimes, I admit, I'm not able to follow the breaks. When you're just focusing on extended periods and you have those a-ha moments while working, the 5-min breaks can be a distraction. But I just pause my Pomofocus app, resume my work, and when I feel I hit a wall, I press the resume button on the app, and start my 5-min break. During breaks I stand up, walk around, do some quick exercises like squats, push ups, dumbbell exercises, bulgarian splits, and chair-assisted pistol squats. I like it. I get to raise my heart rate and by the time I go back to my seat, I'm able to focus more. It's really effective for me.
Anyway, I still have a paper due by midnight but at least I can be more relaxed now. I know it'll be easier. Also, I still need to write an abstract for the APHA. But that wouldn't be until 31 July. And the abstract length is only 250 words. It'll be a cinch (I fucking hope so).
By the way, here are some photos of myself presenting my poster in class:
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