Lately, I have an enormous amount of time in my hands. I should be doing thesis writing, right? Well, apparently not. My inspiration fizzled out as quickly as it came. Why??? It's focus. I lack F-O-C-U-S. And why do I lack foucs? That, I don't know. I get distracted easily perhaps? I work better in a team maybe? Perhaps it's the latter. I notice that when I'm in a group, I tend to be swayed in it, wherever the direction of the group is taking, I will go there too. But when I'm on my own, it seems that I am always lost, don't know where to go, can't seem to go straight in a path, always curious of the surroundings and stopping to check them out. Why? Is focusing something chemically-related? Meaning does it have to be a hormone in your body to trigger your brain and eventually you can focus? Or is it something physically-related, like having a lot of neurons and more branched dendrites in your brain for you to focus?